
To create a website and hope that it turns outt o be something of value and stand up on the web is something that takes a lot of work.  Though my website may seem unorginal I truly think that I can provide a different prospective on the world of video making.  As a recent college graduate trying to make a name for myself and work my way into the world that surrounds video production I thought that my experiences would help provide others inspiration and guides to create their own content.

A big part of my perspective that will set my website out from different other websites is that I don’t have the ability to go out and get any piece of equipment that I have.  I believe that I am very fortunate to have the video production equipment that I do have.  I don’t believe that it’s the equipment that you have that will make you successful but your ability to improvise and get by with what you do have.  Having the latest name brand piece of equipment makes no difference if you can teach yourself how to do the same with something that is homemade or an off version of the original.  Sometimes its the off brands that truly innovate, or come up with a better solution to a problem.

This being said, I hope to help the video making community by offering to share files and work that I have done in hopes that someone else can use the experience to enhance their knowledge.  As a whole the web can help everyone grow and become better at what they do.  I hope that I am able to create a website in which others can use to help themselves, but I can use to help myself, and my skill set grow.

Along with sharing skills on how to create video and to show video techniques to the world I want to have a home base in which I can use to promote myself and work as a competitive person in the video production industry. The best way today to get yourself known and to show what you can do is with the web.  Whether it’s on YouTube or its creating your own website, the web is a powerful tool I hope to use to help promote my work and my name.